Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe
About The Project
This project aims to create something interesting without using computationally expensive libraries. The most basic developer tools were used, allowing the website to be fast without unnecessary overhead. The application is available in the browser and meets the requirements of responsive design.
Have Fun! 😄 Github Repo
Build With
The most basic stack ever.
Getting Started
Just visit the publicly available demo on my website DEMO. If you find my work interesting, I encourage you to read more on my homepage kbrw.pl.
There are two game modes available: Singleplayer and Multiplayer.
In this game mode, you play as the circle, and the AI opponent responds to your moves. To place your move, simply click or tap on any empty square. At any moment, you can use the reset button to clear the board. If you manage to win against my algorithm, please send me a screenshot at krzysztofborowski02@gmail.com 😄.
This game mode is designed for two players sharing the same device. Players take turns as usual. The first player is assigned the circle, and the second player always plays as crosses.
Game rules
- The game is played on a 3x3 grid with 9 empty squares.
- The first player always plays as circles, and the second plays as crosses.
- Players choose empty squares to place their symbol.
- Players take turns alternately.
- If any row, column, or diagonal is filled with symbols of any player, then the game ends, and that player wins the game.
No updates are planned in the near future.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Made with love by Krzysztof Borowski - krzysztofborowski02@gmail.com Project Link: https://github.com/Lokinado/Unbeatable-Tic-Tac-Toe