Flutter Inventory App

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About The Project

An inventory-taking application created upon request. Fixed assets in rooms are identified by a number recorded on a sticker and represented by a barcode. There is the possibility to differentiate between buildings, with multiple floors in each building, and multiple rooms on each floor.

Github Repo

Image of application interface


Project Manager
Krzysztof Borowski
Lead Developer Lead Tester Lead Writer
Jeremi Lipiec Maciej Sieradz Filip Sapiejewski
Developer Tester Writer
Piotr Bauer Jakub Dąbrowski Jakub Dolecki
Adam Ciesielski Jakub Litke Szymon Boruń
Wojciech Sokołowski Kasia Sak Patryk Jeleń
Arkadiusz Affek Sara Stec Konrad Bolesta
Jan Dusza Piotr Chodkowski Piotr Majewski
Dawid Steciuk Józef Stocki


  • Scanning barcodes with a camera
  • Manual entry of barcodes
  • Reporting individual rooms
  • Validation of item placement

Build With

The most noteworthy frameworks and technologies.

Getting Started


Build & Run

  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Lokinado/flutter_inventory_app
  1. Open the terminal in the main project directory and build the application using Flutter CLI
flutter build apk --split-per-abi
  1. The generated .apk file is ready to be installed on any Android phone


The application structure is divided into 3 main screens

Addition Panel

The left panel is responsible for adding buildings, floors, rooms, items, and item types. For new items, we can choose a pre-entered type or add a comment if needed.

Scanner Panel

The middle panel is where we can scan barcodes of pre-entered items to generate a report. Before starting the scanning process, it is necessary to select the room from which we begin the inventory.

Documents Panel

The right panel is responsible for reviewing conducted reports and barcodes of added items. In this panel, there is an option to export them in a print-ready format.


No updates are planned in the near future.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Project manager: Krzysztof Borowski - krzysztofborowski02@gmail.com Project Link: https://github.com/Lokinado/flutter_inventory_app